- Abstract Format -

The abstract should be a summary of your presentation. Please avoid scientific or engineering symbols, acronyms and bullets. Submissions that do not follow the conference submission rules and format will be returned for modification. General submission rules for abstract are as following

  1. Paper length: less than 450 words
  2. Key words: 3-5 words
  3. Font: 12-point Times New Roman
  4. Paragraph: single-spaced
  5. Margin: normal (Top/Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left/Right: 3.18cm)
  6. File format: MS Word-compatible file



- Full Paper Format -

Manuscripts should be novel and may not be under consideration for any other conference or publication at the time of submission. The submission must meet the required format and cover the following: (a) Backgrounds; (b) Research goals; (c) Objectives; (d) Methods; (e) Results; (f) conclusions. General submission rules for full paper are as following:

  1. Paper length: within 12 pages (including references)
  2. Key words: 3-5 words
  3. Font: 12-point Times New Roman
  4. Paragraph: single-spaced
  5. Margin: normal (Top/Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left/Right: 3.18cm)
  6. File format: MS Word-compatible file

AASE FullTemplete.pages

AASE FullTemplete.docx

- Poster Format -

Presentation of a poster provides an opportunity for effective one-to-one communication. The longer presentation time of the poster session enables authors to present a more in-depth description and discussion of their work. Posters belonging to the same strand will be grouped together and presented during the postersession.

  1. Abstract title, author(s) and affiliation(s) should appear on top of the poster.
  2. Printed one-piece poster with the width at 841mm and the height at 1189mm (A0 size).
  3. Poster must be in a logical sequence, i.e. introduction, study design and methods, data collected, conclusion.
  4. The text, illustrations, etc. should be bold enough to be read from a distance of two meters.
